Diane Knoll
Saskatoon, SK
S7J 0T6
Phone: (306) 931-4045
Email: dknoll@knollandassociates.ca
Looking to improve your emotional intelligence? Wondering if your EQ is working for you? Coaching with Diane may the answer! EQ coaching is her speciality. Through coaching you can deepen your relationship with your emotions. Emotions that drive performance and general fulfillment in life. EQ coaching can help reduce anxiety and increase self-satisfaction. Schedule a complimentary phone call with Diane to find out how the process works. 2020/21 are years where EQ is playing a huge part in our lives. Reasonable rates and flexible packages make Diane’s coaching available to all! Take the first step today.
Request for Coaching Fees
Contact Diane via email for coaching and package rates. She will send you available times for an introductory, complimentary, phone conversation. (or ZOOM) She looks forward to working with you and helping you “unbundle” the present, past and future!
Diane will customize packages to suit the needs of personal and professional circumstances.